The act of inflating your paddleboard raises a surprising number of questions. There’s the age-old choice of whether to use a hand or electric pump, the decision of where to actually pump your board up, and then the matter of making sure you inflate to the correct pressure. Where the latter of these questions is concerned, you’ll likely have heard the term PSI before, and making sure that your paddleboard is the ‘correct’ PSI is key in guaranteeing the best performance and experience when on the water.
What Is PSI?
PSI stands for pounds per square inch and refers to the amount of pressure your board can hold. PSI is ranked on a numerical scale; the higher the number, the more inflated a board is and therefore the harder/stiffer it will be.
What PSI Should My Paddleboard Be?
When inflating a paddleboard, PSI will always be used to measure how much air pressure it contains. The PSI number you inflate your board to will generally depend on several factors, namely your size, weight, intended use and, crucially, the board itself. You should always consult the instructions provided by your particular model as a starting point.
Where Red paddleboards are concerned, know that they are built to withstand large amounts of pressure. Generally speaking, we’d suggest aiming for 15-22 PSI. This should ensure that your board reaches the levels of stiffness required for optimum stability, without you having to exert too much effort inflating your board or battle resistance from the valve when deflating it.
Why Is PSI Important?
It can be easy to overlook the process of inflating your paddleboard, particularly if you’re in a rush to get in the water or find it a physically demanding task. Essentially, the higher the pressure the stiffer your board will be and the better it will perform on the water. An under-inflated SUP is likely to flex in the middle and will struggle to hold your weight and this could lead to balance and stability issues. Ultimately, this will make it harder for you to refine your paddling technique and will require you to expel excess energy to cut through the water.